AJA HELO Recommended Media Recording

AJA recommends that when using solid-state media (USB thumb drives or SD cards), the media be less than half full. Solid-state media's performance degrades rapidly as it fills up, which may result in aborted recordings.

exFAT Instead of FAT
FAT file systems have a maximum file size limit of 4 GB, whereas exFAT file systems have no file size limit.
SD Cards
AJA recommends class U3 or faster SD cards when using them. AJA specifically tested and discovered that the following SD cards have sufficient performance for all HELO modes of operation:
- Sandisk Extreme
- Sandisk Extreme Pro
- Lexar Professional 633x (class U1, but reliable)
USB Thumb Drives
AJA recommends that when using USB thumb drives, the media be rated for write speeds of 90 MB/s or higher. AJA has specifically tested and found the following USB solid-state media to be adequate for all HELO modes of operation:
- Sandisk Extreme USB SDCZ80
- Sandisk Extreme Pro USB SDZ880
- Transcend JF 780
Certain high-performance USB thumb drives, such as Kingston HyperX, will require external power from a powered USB hub because they consume more current than standard USB media.
USB Attached Magnetic Drives
When using USB media, traditional spinning magnetic hard drives have been found to have lower overall performance degradation as they fill up when compared to solid-state media. When connected to the HELO USB port, these drives will require external power or a powered USB hub.
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