BirdDog Wallplate Dual Output Insights
The BirdDog Wallplate Dual Output was created to make the boardroom setup a snap. To drive material to the TV displays, install the Dual Output in the wall. The Wallplate Output is a two-output device for driving material to displays. To create more engaging meetings, output the video conferencing group to one screen and the presentation or laptop screen sharing to another. Speaker output is also provided for connecting to an audio system. To automate the process, use the RESTful API.
The wallplates are all powered by BirdDog's custom NDI chip and can be fully automated via the programmable RESTful API. They also include PoE for single Ethernet cable functionality, Mic Input, Speaker Output, interchangeable faceplates, soft glow status indicators, and a simple web management console to change settings.
BirdDog Wallplate Dual Output Specifications
What's included
Included on BirdDog Wallplate Dual Output